Linking Development and Health

Embracing the development dimensions of health and health issues acknowledges that action outside the health sector can contribute significantly to better health outcomes for all peoples~UNDP.

Equity and Health Care Access

Access to and utilization of health care is vital to good and equitable health. Without healthcare, many of the opportunities for fundamental health improvement will be lost ~WHO.

Foundations for the Future

Education prepares children to participate in the society and in the global economy. Ensuring that all children receive a good quality education is the foundation of sustainable development and poverty alleviation worldwide~World Bank.

Our Health and Our Environment

Where we live affects our health and chances of living flourishing lives. The daily conditions in which we live have a strong influence on health equity ~WHO.

Early Life & Mind Nourishment

Early childhood is the most significant developmental period of life. Yet, nearly half the world’s children are likely to miss out on early childhood skills development programs ~UNICEF.

Social Support and Health

It takes a community to raise a child. Nurturing our kids in loving neighborhoods where neighborhood cohesion is high and where different people live peacefully is fundamental in raising young people who grow with broader outlook in life.

Parenting and Child Development

Having a loving family surrounded by love lays the foundation for significant birth to eight childhood development. Remembering that it takes a community to raise a child is at the center of thriving communities and is essential for all children.

Thriving Across Generations of Good Health

Early childhood is the most significant developmental period of life. Yet, nearly half the world’s children are likely to miss out on early childhood skills development programs.

Family Tree Adoption Program (FTAP)

A grassroots community-based program that is greening our communities by increasing tree canopy, which, in turn, improves air and water quality, community aesthetics, and provide benefits for years to come. FTAP is building thriving communities by organizing around shared values of sustainable environment and human health.

Welcome to GHEP

Global Health and Education Projects

We are the Global Health and Education Projects, Incorporated–GHEP! We are a fully registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located a few minutes away from Washington, DC., U.S.A. Our mission is to eliminate health disparities by addressing the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes, which are known as the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). The SDOH are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age. The SDOH are mostly responsible for health disparities and are shaped by the distribution of money, power, and resources. GHEP follows the definition of SDOH by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


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You want to eliminate health and education disparities. We design and deliver programs that work. GHEP delivers effective grassroots programs, anchored on community felt-needs, driven by scientific research and data, and guided by the social determinants of health, and life course health development frameworks.










United Kingdom











Ivory Coast

Our Impact

At GHEP, we believe in the power of collective action to create positive change in our communities and the world. Through our various programs, we have made a significant impact, touching the lives of countless individuals and leaving a lasting mark on our environment. Here’s a glimpse of our impact by the numbers. These numbers are more than just statistics. The numbers represent the lives we’ve touched, the environments we’ve protected, and the communities we’ve empowered. None of this would be possible without the support of our dedicated volunteers, generous donors, and passionate team members.


People Reached


Diapers Shared


Trees Planted


Families Engaged


Residents Served


Cities Covered


Facemasks Shared


Healt Workers Trained


Programs & Events

The GHEP sponsors programs, events, international conferences, and meetings to support our mission to eliminate health disparities by addressing the social determinants of health.

2024 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

2024 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

The ASTMH Annual Meeing draws tropical medicine and global health professionals representing academia, foundations, government, not-for-profit organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, the military, and private practice.

Join us for our Public Health 360 Virtual Open House

Public Health 360 Open House

8 Days
2 Hrs
17 Min
1 Sec


I had access to a handful of relevant resources that helped improve my skills in Public health programming and public health leadership. I received enough guidance to make me the changemaker I had always wanted to be in the world of emerging global health priorities.

Majeed A

Public Health 360 Fellow Nigeria
PH 360 helped me sharpen my sense of curiosity and willingness to take initiative. The scope of the program demanded that I learn how to write effectively and collaborate with aplomb with others. I also learned the structure of a proposal, including how to make it SMART-E and create measurable goals with outcomes.

Juliana S

I have been able to create programs and prepare grant applications because of Public Health 360. The program also gives me the chance to learn about other public health organizations. In addition, I now have a better understanding of the public health profession’s professionalism and work ethics. My capacity to use Google Space skillfully and conduct professional team discussions and deliberations among teammates is another area where this training has had an impact on me.

Bernard G

Public Health 360 Fellow Thailand
PH360 has impacted my public health profession by helping me see Public Health from a global perspective, where I can only make sound public health judgments after understanding how public health is run in other parts of the world. Also, Public Health is a team of specialized players that bring valuable expertise to solving public health issues. I have also strengthened my understanding of program design, research, reviews, and ethical considerations when practicing public health.

Beverly K

Public Health 360 Fellow Canada

PH360 created a space for me to develop my voice and further my ambition as a future public health professional, but more importantly, it gave me the ropes I needed to understand the current gap in the field’s practice along international lines. From now on, I am more prepared to consolidate the bridge towards health equity in my own community and beyond.

Driss D

Public Health 360 Fellow Rwanda
PH360 has broadened my knowledge on public health services and has created more avenues and opportunities in my practice as a public health professional. As a future public health professional, I can confidently plan on a health promotion program, speak on a health issue and own my words!

Chimelogo I

Given the opportunity to partake in the Public Health 360 (PH360), has broadened my horizon; I am equipped with sufficient clinical and scientific knowledge, and improved my intellectual and managerial capabilities for prompt response and critical appraisal of public health issues.

Richard K-B

Public Health 360 Fellow Ghana
As a future public health professional, PH360 has helped me develop a wide range of skills that I can use on a daily basis. Not only has the program exposed me to different sectors of public health, but it also helped shape my passion and focus within the field.

Kristal S

Public Health 360 Fellow . USA

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. It is the greatest gift anyone can give.