Native Trees for Prince George’s County Homeowners, Boosting Community Greenery & Environmental Health

The Family Tree Adoption Program (FTAP) is a community-based environmental conservation program that provides free native trees and shrubs to private homeowners in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Through FTAP, GHEP helps to green our communities by increasing the number of trees planted in the community (tree canopy), which in turn improves air and water quality, community aesthetics, and provides benefits for years to come.

Studies published in scientific journals such as Health Perspectives and Health and Place demonstrate the multiple health benefits of urban trees including better physical, psychosocial health, and social cohesion among populations living in areas with more trees.

GHEP plants trees that residents from communities across the county voluntarily adopt and care for. On an ongoing basis, GHEP provides technical support and education so the families can play a role in the collective effort to improve the environment.

Whether you are someone with a “green thumb” who loves active gardening or interested in beautification projects, or you want to play an active role in protecting the environment, FTAP will help you to achieve your goal.

What are the Benefits?

There are numerous benefits in planting trees/shrubs in your yard and joining FTAP:

  • Trees/shrubs help to beautify your yard
  • Trees/shrubs reduce your energy bills
  • Trees/shrubs purify the air that you, your family, and your loved ones breath
  • Trees/shrubs increase the water quality in your yard/compound
  • Trees/shrubs protect the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers in our area

By joining FTAP, you are helping to:

  • Build a community of tree lovers and environmentally conscious citizens in our area
  • Build family cohesion by engaging families as units for planting and caring for trees of their own
  • Increase the number of native trees/shrubs in our communities thus increasing our County’s tree canopy
  • Bring resources worth thousands of dollars to the members of our communities in the form of native trees, shrubs, and ongoing expert resources for tree planting and tree care products

How Does it Work?

  • Individuals or families sign-up to receive native trees/shrubs to plant in their yards
  • Individuals or families can sign-up via telephone, text message, or online
  • Attend a voluntary tree-planting workshop at a center or host family nearest you to learn how to care for and protect your newly adopted trees or shrubs.
  • Pick a convenient day for your trees or shrubs to be planted for you for free by FTAP volunteers
  • On the scheduled date, FTAP volunteers will deliver your tree(s)/shrubs and provide you with signed adoption documents
  • You and FTAP volunteers will take pictures or videos of you planting your trees/shrubs or caring for your trees and text to us
  • Your photos are shared on the FTAP community website with others to share in the progress of your trees/shrubs

Explore Our Growing Tree Canopy and Neighborhoods

Welcome to the FTAP interactive map! At GHEP, we’re on a mission to make our community greener, healthier, and more beautiful. With the help of dedicated volunteers and supporters like you, we’ve planted hundreds of trees in the heart of our community. This map showcases the tangible impact of your generosity. Each point represents a living testament to our commitment to a sustainable future. Together, we’re transforming our County into thriving green oases, providing shade, clean air, one home at a time.

But we’re not stopping here. Our work continues, and with your continued support, we’ll keep expanding our urban tree canopy. Explore the map to see where our trees have taken root, and together, let’s watch our community flourish. Join us in nurturing nature, one tree at a time. Together, we’re sowing the seeds of a brighter, greener tomorrow. Thank you for being a part of our mission!

Your $100 helps us plant native trees to protect nature and waterways.

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