October is the month of harvest and the celebration of Halloween. It’s a month full of thrills, chills, and tricks or treats. There is also a special day, that is unknown to people, which is an international stuttering awareness day, which is October 22nd.

Stuttering is a speech disorder that repeats syllables, sounds, or words. There are even interruptions with words or sounds called blocks. It also can include behaviors such as eye blinking, tremors, or quivering lips. Unfortunately, this affects job interviews, socializing, and communications. It could affect the person immediately, which is to feel anxious when speaking to people, speaking in front of an audience, or speaking on the phone. (National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders).

I did some research and found out how many people have this issue growing up. Approximately, 3 million Americans have an issue with stuttering. It affects people in different age groups. It often occurs during the age of 2 to 6 years old, which is the age when children start to learn their language skills. About 5 percent to 10 percent of children will have the issue of stuttering throughout most of their life. About 75 percent of children can learn to control their issues with stuttering, while the other 25 percent will have the issue of stuttering for the rest of their lives. (NIH)

There are two types of stuttering, there are development stuttering and neurological stuttering. Developmental stuttering comes from the child’s language abilities and is unable to meet with the child’s verbal speech. While neurological stuttering occurs from a stroke, head trauma, or a head injury. There are many different ways to help with your issues of stuttering, these include therapy for children, stuttering therapy, drug therapy, electronic devices, and self-help groups. (NIH)

Understandably, that growing up with a speech issue is quite frustrating and it can even affect your self-confidence. I grew up with a stuttering issue, and I had been dealing with it for most of my life. It is mainly because of my anxiety that influences my way of speaking. What had helped me is seeing a speech therapist. I also resorted to seeing a counselor and seeking medication for my anxiety, which has helped my stuttering issue tremendously. What also helped me is to speak a little slower and more clearly to avoid stuttering. Do not let the issues with stuttering conflict with your socializing skills with others, it is quite normal, and affects everyone. (NIH)

Written By Chelsea Whittington is a volunteer with the Global Health and Education Projects, Inc. working under the mentorship of Kanisha Blake, BS, MPH.  


NIH, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Stuttering